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Talent Intelligence


So how can you make sure you're hiring the right talent or managing existing talent correctly?

As TalentFocus, we support corporate structures with our collaboration with BRYQ , the " Talent Intelligence Platform ". BRYQ is a brand new artificial intelligence-supported platform created to optimize your decisions in the talent management process.

BRYQ ; In your talent management processes; With objective data, it helps you gain stronger talents suitable for your corporate culture, improve diversity, and better manage your existing talents. The Talent Management process allows you to make “data-driven” decisions throughout the life cycle of each employee. With a scientific approach that includes recruitment, talent development, performance optimization and culture, it combines your data with validated psychometrics to provide a comprehensive solution that includes information about each employee.

What the platform offers us;

  • Talent Acquisition ; objectively analyzing talents and skills, matching multiple roles, selecting talents suitable for the corporate culture, improving the recruitment process,

  • Talent Development ; Improving the competencies of talents, gaining new skills, career development, improving learning and development programs, employee experience, re-evaluating potentials,

  • Talent Recognition; Predicting the performance of existing employees and new candidates, obtaining objective and deeper analyzes regarding culture fit, creating better teams,

  • Skill Matching ; matching talents to the right role, finding new career paths and supporting internal restructuring by creating better teams,

  • Culture ; It ensures recruitment in line with the corporate culture, measurement of culture fit, and creation of value mapping.

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